Divorced singles Birth of a family episode 3

We are a couple of dog lovers from Northern Europe. Here's a small hobby we did:

We love snuggling up with our dog and watching TV as much as anyone.

One show we like to watch is Divorced Singles or Love after divorce as it is called on Netflix.

We really liked season 2, and Namgi and Daeun couple is one of our favourites.

If you didn’t know, both of them are divorced people and in this show they start dating.

Namgi has a super cute dog called Max. Daeun has a small child called Rieun. They have a 5 episode special called Birth of a family.

Birth of a family episode 3 english subtitles

But sadly, nobody had translated episode 3/5 of their show.

We really liked how slow and careful they were introducing the two.

So, we decided to take some time and do our best to create some “good enough” subs using as much tech as we can.

Try our free app

If you have a dog yourself, or are thinking about getting one, try our free dog training app, Pocket Puppy School.

It has a lot of useful tips and tricks when it comes to dogs. We hope that everybody can train their dogs to be as cute and soft as Max, so nobody will have issues with introducing them to children.

If you like the app, a good rating is very welcome. If you want to support us more, we have many cool things in our store as well.

We can't offer you anything in return, but if you want us to translate more, then it really helps us if the app is doing good.

Here's to many happy years of coexistence with Max and Rieun.

If you have any questions, let me know in the comments.


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