Positivity contest 2023

It seems like nowadays, all you hear on the news about dogs is “Bite this, aggression that”. And on social media as well, seems like people like to spend more time arguing about dog stuff, than actually spending time with their dogs.

That is why we want to do a little positivity boost - to bring more good vibes into the world.

The positivity contest is a 1 month long contest. The goal of this contest is to get people to see more of the positive side of dog ownership and dog training.

That is why we need you! Take part of the Positivity Contest by creating positive posts with your dog.

On July 20th, we will select two winners who will each receive a 20€ (~21.5$) gift card to the Pocket Puppy School store.

We will share the winning posts on our social media as well.

How to enter

1. Follow our (@pockte.puppy.school) Instagram page.

2. Create a positive post and tag @pocket.puppy.school so that we can see it.

You can make a cute picture post, funny reel or what ever gives good vibes - as long as it’s about dogs and it’s positive, we’ll like it!

It is time to get your cameras ready and show us what you can come up with. Sharing is caring, so feel free to share this contest with your friends too. 🥰

And that’s it!
If you create more posts, then the better your chances at winning are.

Gift card

On the July 20th, we will announce and contact the winners and give them a gift card worth 20€ (~21.5$) which can be used to purchase products in the Pocket Puppy School store.

You could use that discount to get yourself a custom shirt, a hoodie with your chosen picture of your dog or even a cute dog bowl.

Let us know if you have any questions or if you would like us to do something similar in the future!

We hope that you can join us and show off your dog (and dog training) in a positive light!


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