Why every high energy dog needs a dog backpack

A surprising item to elevate your walks with high energy dog - dog trainer’s perspective

Why high energy dog needs a dog backpack

As a dog trainer, a lot of times I’ve seen that dog owners often don’t know about the dog breed they have gotten. It’s not a crime or anything. But the bad thing is that, people think they got a cute, calm dog, when instead it’s a high energy, working or hunting breed.

It means that this type of dog actually needs exercise, needs a purpose or “work” so that they wouldn’t turn into a little “monster”, who destroys the house, the garden and anything in between.

Why a dog backpack?

First of all, if you do have a working dog breed or just a very high energy dog - you need to learn HOW to deal with it. Learn what type of activities actually tire your dog out. Just take some intentional time to find out which steps you as a dog owner can take, to help manage your dog’s energy the right way.

We really encourage you to try out the Pocket Puppy School app, it’s not a marketing strategy - it really is free.

We have in depth topics talking about different types of exercises amongst other very useful topics like food, dog’s basic needs, socialisation etc.

Now, when it comes to dog backpacks, then it:

  • enhances physical exercise;

  • provides mental stimulation;

  • encourages better behaviour.

Just like us, dogs too benefit from a bit of weight training. We go to the gym to train, but with backpacks, dogs would have a bit of extra resistance during their walk, hike or exercise routine.

Especially with working dog breeds, backpacks can actually be rewarding to your dog - to carry something will feel a purpose or a “job” during the walk. If you don’t know which backpack to choose, we’ll have a few affiliate links. The first link is the OneTigris dog backpack that we’re currently using.

Helpful tool for a high energy dog

Dogs with a lot of pent up energy can and most likely will become hyperactive and because of that, are also difficult to manage. When you start incorporating a dog backpack into your dog training and walks, it helps to reduce hyperactivity/excess energy by adding a moderate weight to your dog.

Dogs thrive when they have a job to do. Carrying a backpack can give them a sense of purpose, keeping them engaged and mentally stimulated.

This can be especially beneficial for working breeds or high-energy dogs who need more than just physical exercise to stay balanced.

If your dog tends to be overly excited or pull on the leash, carrying a backpack can have a calming effect. The additional weight can help them stay grounded, making walks more enjoyable for both the dog and for you.

How to use a dog packback?

First, be sure to check the suitability of the backpack - the size, if the straps and the pack itself is resting comfortably on your dog’s back.

When filling up the backpack, make sure that it stays soft. Dogs’ bodies need to be able to move, even with harnesses and backpacks.

Here are a few different ways you can use your dog’s backpack.

How to use a dog backpack to help manage your dog's energy.
  • Extra weight during a longer walk. We filled two poop bags with sand. That is enough to add a little bit of extra weight to our regular walks. Even our energetic Husky feels the difference.

  • Hiking backpack for dog essentials. You can let your dog carry it’s own hiking or just some dog essentials. It’ll give your dog a “job” and also a little bit of extra weight to tire them out during your hike.

  • Carrying water during a warm day. If you have two small, more flat, water containers, then you can fill them with some water and pour your dog some water from both of them during the halfway point of your walk.

But, do keep in mind that even though dog backpack is a good extra tool for walks, you should not go for a run with that. It might lead to a painful injury and probably it’s the last thing you would wish for your dog.

So, definitely a great thing to elevate your walks, but it’s a no-no when it comes to more high intensity exercising, like running.

Let’s sum it up

Including a good quality dog backpack into your walk, dog training or even hiking routine is more than just buying another accessory. It’s actually a powerful extra tool managing a high energy dog, providing the physical and mental stimulation they need to thrive and feel calmer afterwards.

Whether you like hiking, you’re starting to train your dog or looking for a way to give something extra to your high energy dog - a dog backpack can make a big difference in your dog’s behaviour and overall well being.

So why not give it a try and see how much happier and more balanced your dog can actually be.

Haven’t heard about Pocket Puppy School before?

Pocket Puppy School is a completely free dog training app. Our mission is to make information about raising dogs accessible to everyone in the world.

But in addition to our app, we have a blog (that you are currently reading 🤓) where we talk all things about dogs.

We post some informational and fun content to our Instagram page and believe it or not, we even have a merch store. 🥹 In the store you can get a t-shirt or a hoodie with your own dog picture that we will make into an awesome design.

Feel free to check out all of our channels, and if you have any questions, leave a comment down below.

Thank you!


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