At what age do dogs lose their baby teeth

Just like us humans, puppies first grow “baby” teeth, also known as deciduous teeth. And after some time, these teeth fall out and are replaced by permanent adult teeth.

The timing of this process depends on the breed of the dog and some other factors. Just like with humans, everyone loses their teeth at their own time.

Typically, the first milk teeth start coming out between 3 to 4 months, and it can continue until the puppy is 6 to 8 months old.

Ow, Why are puppy teeth so sharp?

During this months long process, your pup will definitely try to bite everything and everyone around the house.

Now, don’t get angry… even if your puppy bites you really hard. Your puppy is not doing this out of spite.

The reason why your dog wants to bite and chew on everything is because:

  • Teething is painful

  • Teething is uncomfortable (like an itch you can’t scratch)

  • Chewing is the natural way to loosen teeth.

These, and a few more reasons are why puppies are so crazy biters.

How do I help my puppy lose the deciduous teeth?

There are two main ways of helping your dog with this uncomfortable feeling:

  • Provide something fun to chew on

  • Provide something cold to chew on

Chew toy

The first tip might seem a bit obvious, but it’s still something owners don’t actively think about.

We recommend that you actively try and figure out what toys your dog likes, and to actively play with your dog every day, using those toys.

Biting, pulling and chewing is the main way dogs get their baby teeth out.

So, by you actively joining in, you’re going to encourage your dog to do these things with the toys and not your couch.

Kong toy

The second trick is to give your pup something cold to chew on.

Kong toys are one of the most popular chew toys in the world. They are super durable and very affordable.

A simple trick is to put some food inside the Kong toy and simply put it in the deep freezer. The Kong will get cold and the food will freeze.

And then, when you give the toy to your puppy - not only will getting the food out be a fun challenge, but the coldness of the toy will also sooth the pain caused by teething.

If you want, you can also simply use frozen fruits, such as bananas, cucumbers, apples or carrots.

Chewing on frozen fruits also help sooth the uncomfortable feeling, but they aren’t as fun as the Kong toy.

For more information about puppy biting, check out our app - Pocket Puppy School, where we have dedicated a whole free course on puppy teething and how to avoid puppy biting.


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