Why does my dog shed so much?

One day, in the middle of December, I woke up to my dog’s bed and the floor full of white fluff. I thought that a stuffed animal had been murdered. 😅

But no, my husky simply decided that it was time to shed off her winter coat, because that week the snow melted and it was a little bit warmer.

dog hair

How much shedding is normal?

Although annoying - shedding is a normal part process in all dogs’ lives.

It removes all of the old and damaged hair, so that new and healthy hair can grow again. We humans, actually do the same!

And depending on the breed and the lifestyle of your dog, the amount can vary greatly. Plus, dogs that live outdoors grow and keep a thicker coat, while dogs that live indoors keep theirs short and light.

In most cases, having dog hair everywhere is a common experience for dog owners - it doesn’t mean that anything is wrong with your dog.

In a few cases, dogs might shed because of health problems - so it doesn’t hurt to visit the vet once in while. And as always, make sure that your dog has a good meal plan, 24/7 access to water and plenty of exercise.

When do dogs shed their winter coat?

Some breeds even have a second layer of hair underneath their regular hair., which is called an undercoat or a winter coat.

Here’re a few breeds that have an undercoat:

  • Husky

  • Chow Chow

  • Labrador Retriever

  • Pomeranian

These types of dogs can grow and shed their undercoat multiple times a year. It helps them stay warm in the winter and stay cool in the summer.

There isn’t a certain time when they do it - it all depends on how your dog is feeling.

They can start growing or shedding their coat overnight, but annoyingly.. shedding the coat doesn’t end as quickly as it starts - it takes weeks, if not months.

What not to do

Do not shave your dog.

Even though it might seem like an “easy way out”, dogs need their hair to keep them healthy and happy.

Not only does it keep them warm when it’s cold and cool when it’s warm, but it also protects their skin.

The only time when shaving a dog is allowed, is when a veterinary says it needs to be done.

What to do when your dog sheds

The simplest and best thing you can do is brush your dog daily. Unless your dog’s skin is damaged or sensitive, you can’t over-brush your dog.

dog Brush

Brushing will remove any loose hairs, help shed the undercoat and remove any dirt stuck in your dog’s coat.

There are a lot of brushes to choose from, so try and see what works best for you and your dog.

Here’s the link to the highest rated brush on Amazon.

Some owners, whose dogs are okay with it, use vacuum cleaners to either gently suck or blow the loose hair off of their dogs.

But apart from that, unless you had the foresight to choose a dog breed who sheds less hair, then dog hair is something that will definitely be apart of your life for a long time.

For undercoat dog owners, we recommend that you make the best of it! For example, we collected our husky’s undercoat, had it converted into yarn and then into warm clothes!

Husky undercoat yarn

(Made from our husky’s undercoat)

For more tips on how to take care of your dog, download our app!
It’s called Pocket Puppy School and it’s completely free to download on the Android Play Store and the iPhone App Store.


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