Big list - Dangerous and toxic foods for dogs

dangerous and toxic foods

While it is only natural that we want to share our favourite and yummy treats with our dog, there are a few important things to remember, before handing out a piece of chocolate or some leftovers from your dinner plate.

Let’s explore some common foods that are toxic for your dog.

This is NOT a full list of all the foods that are poisonous for dogs. Also, aome of the food items mentioned below are not toxic, but might not be recommended, because they might cause discomfort for dogs. So definitely be sure to check before giving any human food items for your dog.

Which foods are dangerous for dogs and why?

Let’s start with nuts and seeds:

  1. Macadamia nuts - they belong to the most toxic foods for dogs. Because of a certain toxin, they can affect dog’s nervous system and muscles and cause weakness, tremors, vomiting, even when consumed a small amount.

  2. Pecans - even though good for people, then for dogs they are toxic and can cause upset stomach, diarrhea and even vomiting.

  3. Walnuts - another set of nuts that are NOT safe for your dog to consume. It may even lead to pancreatitis, which is life threatening.

  4. Apple seeds, cherry, apricot, pear, plum pits/kernels - these contain trace amounts of a chemical compound, called cyanide, which is toxic.

nuts and seeds

Human foods to avoid:

  1. Bread dough - yeast dough might expand in your dogs’ stomach after eating it, causing discomfort. But what is worse, is that fermenting yeast produces alcohol that might lead to alcohol poisoning.

  2. Raw eggs - according to PetMD, there actually is no nutritional benefit feeding raw eggs to dogs. From time to time adding a raw egg is not lethal, but there is risk of getting salmonella infection, causing vomiting, diarrhea and fever.

  3. Raw meat - similarily with eggs, feeding regular (store bought) raw meat to your dog, exposes your dog to harmful bacteria, such as E.coli, salmonella, listeria. And similar to people, it can make your dog very sick. So unless the raw meat is specifically prepared for dog consumption, it might not be a good idea to feed it to your dog.

  4. Coffee - this yummy miracle drink that a lot of people love to drink in the morning, contains actually a very toxic chemical, which is lethal for dogs.

  5. Cooked bones - bones, when cooked become brittle and very sharp. That means that when consumed, they can puncture you dogs’ intestines, stomach and lead to very serious injuries.

  6. Food leftovers/table scraps - since human food is made for human, we don’t think through what exactly is in the dishes (garlic, onion etc). But also different types of fats/grease left overs form bacon etc. These might lead to pancreatitis and be very painful for your dog.

  7. Things you would not eat either, like spoiled food items - it already says it all, if you wouldn’t, why would you want your dog to eat it. Spoiled foods might contain toxins and you would not want your dog to eat this kind of food.

Human foods to avoid

Let’s look at some fruits and vegetables:

  1. Avocado - any part of avocado is dangerous to your dog, because it contains persin. If consumed it might cause heart congestion, diarrhea and vomiting.

  2. Onions, leeks, garlic, chives - onions and garlic is widely known as dangerous for dogs, but the same goes for leeks and chives. In any form they contain substances that can lead to anemia.

  3. Wild mushrooms - these are very toxic and dangerous to your dog. So whenever you are hiking or walking in the woods, do not let your dog munch on an unidentified mushroom.

  4. Unripe tomatoes - regular, ripe red tomatoes are classified as non toxic to pets, but when it comes to unripe/green tomatoes, then these contain substances that can be harmful for dogs. It might lead to upset stomach and even cause some heart problems.

  5. Grapes and raisins - all types of grapes and raisins are toxic to dogs, even when given in smallest amounts. When dogs consume them in any kind of form, it might lead to kidney failure.

  6. Lemon, orange, lime - when it comes to tart food items, dogs mostly won’t want them anyways. But citric acid can cause upset stomach to your dog.

sweets, fruits and vegetables

And last but not least, let’s include some snacks and sweets as well:

  1. Chocolate - this is something most dog owners know. But did you know that the darker the chocolate is, the higher is the concentration of theobromine, which is super toxic to dogs. It can lead to tremors, heart problems, seizures.

  2. Soda, juices - it is similar with candy and other sweets - the sugar content. It is really bad for your dogs’ teeth, but also leading to weight gain and other health issues.

  3. Dairy - it might be new to you, but many dogs actually are lactose intolerant. And just like with humans with lactose intolerance, the same with dogs - it will be extremely uncomfortable and lead to diarrhea, bloating etc.

  4. Gum, baked goods, candy - aside form the fact that these things are high in sugar content. The worst part is xylitol, which even consumed in small amounts, is lethal. Do read the labels and be sure to keep your dog away from gums lying on the ground.

  5. Snacks that contain excessive salt - again, added salt is not good for people either, so why giving it to your dog. Excessive salt can even lead to salt poisoning, causing lethargy, vomiting and even coma. So eat the yummy snacks, but do not give them to your dog, even when your dog asks really nicely.

The goal of this article is not to tell dog owners that they should not give anything to their dogs. But instead, think of this as a helpful guide. ☺️ We think that a well informed dog owner is the best thing that helps to keep your four legged family member happy and healthy for a long time. If your dog does consume anything that might be toxic or harmful for it’s health, do not hesitate to contact a veterinary clinic.

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