Where to earn with your dog

Part 2: What options do you have?

As we said part 1:

Work. Sucks.

Dogs. are. Expensive.

So, why not make dogs earn their own rent?

Well, in part 2, we will talk about some of the different platforms where you can earn money.

If you haven’t checked out part 1, definitely do!

Again, Content is king

As we said in part 1 as well, you have to make something that people actually want to watch.

It doesn’t matter if you do it on YouTube, Tumblr or even on MySpace.

If you get an audience, you're gonna earn something sooner or later, no matter where you do it. That is why it’s important to first focus in on your strength and weaknesses first, before worrying about any platform specific things.

1. YouTube

The most commonly known “internet stardom” way of earning money is YouTube and AdSense.

AdSense is the thing that shows ads and keeps a track on how much you earn through them.

But other than AdSense, you can also include affiliate links in your description as well as do collaborations with businesses.

+ Free
+ Well designed system
+ No special effort needed in the videos with AdSense

- Small creators often have a hard time going viral
- You need at least 500 subscribers to enable ads
- You need at least 3000 watch hours in the last year to sign up for ads
- Amount earned with AdSense, on average, isn’t that great

youtube earning criteria

As we said, content is king. If you make good enough content and you get the subscribers and watch hours, then you can officially start earning.

But getting to that first 500 and 3000 is actually quite hard, especially because you won’t earn a cent with AdSense until then.

Plus, small channels don’t get promoted that much - you need to find your niche, that would make people want to keep watching your videos.

2. Blog

Another well known way of creating content, is obviously blog articles, such as this one.

What we are using here is SquareSpace, alongside AdSense again.

You can also review many dog related products, for example things dog products on Amazon, and include their affiliate links in your articles.

+ Easy way of creating content
+ Targeting audiences is easier because of written words
+ Earning with affiliate links is a bit more likely

- Blogs typically cost money to run
- Earning with AdSense is a bit less likely
- SEO is hard to understand

The amount you earn from Blog articles is directly attributed to these two things:

1. Are you using the words in your articles that people are searching

2. Are your articles interesting enough so that people stay for a long time

With videos, people have an easier time staying, but with written articles, where every article is on a different topic, people often don’t want to stay that long.

But if you find your niche that interests people, then Google will start placing your articles higher and higher.

3. Social Media

The third option are platforms such as Instagram and TikTok.

+ Free
+ Easier to go viral for many
+ Good for collaborations

- Ad systems are practically non-existent
- Harder to include affiliate codes

For social media, don’t expect much from their ad systems. Even if you get in, people say that you’ll only earn like a burger for every 10 million views you get, which is crazy low.

Because of their design, codes are not copy-able and including links is also hard, because the links are not clickable in the descriptions of the posts. You often have to either use affiliate codes, or hope that people click on the one link in your profile’s description.

What often works best, is direct partnerships with brands. For example, famous people ask tens, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars from brands, just for 1 post about their product.

With you, you might want to focus on asking for a free product, for you to shout it out to your followers.

What we do

For us, we try and do everything!

There’s no real blocker for you to just stick to one platform.

YouTube is great for ads, Blogs are great for affiliate things and social media is great for just generally getting an audience.

Many of the biggest, richest and most famous people on the internet often are on many platforms and have many different sources of income.

The only first big hurdle is understanding what works on what platform.

And then you just try and make content suitable for that platform.


Ways to earn money with your dog


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